Economics Professor appointed to Science Advisory Council
Economics Professor, Sonya Krutikova, has been appointed to the newly established Science Advisory Council by the Department of Education.
A panel of scientific experts will provide education policy makers with advice on strategic and emerging issues through a new , the Department for Education has recently announced.
, Professor of Economics, The University of ÓÅÃÛ´«Ã½, and Deputy Research Director, has been appointed as one of the specialist team of 12 experts to ensure access to the best and latest scientific advice – helping the department’s work to break down the barriers to opportunity by protecting children and ensuring the delivery of higher standards of education, training and care.
The independent panel will provide scientific advice to the Department for Education on matters relevant to its policy and operations. This will include areas such as early identification and support of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), mental health support, online harms prevention, a sustainable and secure school estate and artificial intelligence and education technology.
The council will also work with the chief scientific adviser to identify and share emerging scientific trends with officials and facilitate effective links between the department and the wider scientific community.
I am honoured to have this opportunity to use my expertise to support the Department for Education in its mission to deliver better life chances for all through evidence-informed decision making. I am very much looking forward to working with my new colleagues - a multidisciplinary group of distinguished scientists – on the Science Advisory Council.
We are delighted that Professor Krutikova will be serving on the Science Advisory Council for the UK Government's Department of Education. Her appointment to the Council is testament to her important and impactful work in the Economics of Education.
More information can be found on the .